Saturday, December 11, 2010


  • Monkeys found chocolate first, not people.
  • Traces of chocolate have been found in ancient Mayan pottery - from 3,400 years ago!
  • The word Chocolate comes from the Aztec words for "Bitter Water"
  • Both the Mayans and Aztecs associate chocolate with fertility! What do they know that we don't?
  • The first English chocolate house opened in London in 1657, 53 years after the word "Chocolate" was first used in English.
  • Chocolate is poisonous to horses, dogs, cats, rodents and parrots - but essential for people!
  • 50 million people depend upon cocoa for a living.
  • Queen Victoria sent 100,000 boxes of chocolate to soldiers fighting in the Boer War on New Year's Day, 1900.
  • The Tropicana casino in Atlantic City sells a super deluxe chocolate brownie - the "Brownie Extraordinaire with Saint Louis" for $1,000!

hantaran for wedding....engagement....

leh buat ik0t tema.. just bg descripti0n u0lz nk k0tak btk l0ve cmni ke...

atau yg dah siap2 atas dulang cmni ke...

ch0c0late panned.. itu dalam kasik taruk alm0nd sejibik tau!! rm15/b0ttles.. ni fav my mama...

rase ch0c0late n kacang yg mengghairahkan(???) huhu.. bunyi cm lucah tp ni cara yg bgus utk describe panned ni.. maveles!!

dlm balang besar(larat ke abes ni) hehe.. yg ni rab9 letak kat kilang utk display je..


harge ch0c0late naik lg.. h0h0~~